Executive Coaching, Business Consulting, Strategic Planning

Here’s the thing…

You’ve stumbled on this page for a reason and not by accident. You know without a doubt God has called you to lead a business but something is missing…

You struggle to execute your vision

Fears and doubts continue to creep in

God hasn’t been in it

Need to have accountability and support

Having a hard time managing the growth

Let me start by saying you are NOT alone! If you’re really honest here… then the points mentioned above don’t quite cover ALL of what’s missing in your business. The reasons above (and more not even listed) are why my clients come to me.

Business owners who have that drive in them cause them to get burnout quickly and often leave them feeling overwhelmed. This ain’t good for NO ONE!

We’ve Got You Covered!

We’ll come alongside YOU to provide…

Faith-based guidance

As fellow believers, we bring a faith-based perspective to our coaching and consulting sessions. We help you align your business goals with your values and beliefs, and encourage you to operate your businesses in a way that honors God.

Personalized attention

We recognize that each of our clients is unique, with their own strengths, challenges, and goals. We take the time to understand your individual needs and tailor our coaching and consulting to help you achieve your specific objectives.

Holistic care

Our coaching takes a holistic approach to business success, recognizing that success is not just about financial gain, but also about personal fulfillment, work-life balance, and meaningful relationships. We empower you to develop a balanced approach to business that takes into account all aspects of your life.


Executive coaching will encourage you to be authentic and true to who God made you to be, while also pursuing your business objectives. We will help you define your values and vision for your business, and guide you in making decisions that align with your beliefs.


We hold you accountable for achieving your goals and provide you with the support and motivation needed to succeed. We would work with you to develop action plans, set achievable milestones, and track your progress over time.

Meet your team

These ladies with their combined backgrounds and experiences make a fab duo. Just wait until you work with them and witness firsthand their undeniable biz skills.

  • Victoria Danielle


    As an ICF credentialed Business Coach, Victoria focuses on the WHOLE purpose-filled person while leveraging her experience as an educator, investment advisor, and a sold-out King’s Kid. The truth is, she is a survivor with a servant’s heart who loves to work with other servant leaders. Victoria knows the struggles of trying to trust God while life is coming at you personally. She also believes your biggest tests create the most beautiful testimonies.

    Most importantly, she genuinely cares. Witnessing client outcomes and transformations fuels her to no end; not the income. She LOVES seeing individuals move to their next level in life and business and unapologetically be all that God created them to be!

  • Syrena Williams


    Syrena is a licensed attorney and ICF-certified professional business coach. She has utilized her education, skills, and experiences to assist individuals/organizations throughout the world with every aspect of their business by providing powerful and mindset-shifting interactions. This is delivered through custom legal services, group and individual coaching, workshops, facilitations, as well as speaking engagements. Her goal is to empower her clients to create healthy pathways and boundaries while achieving their desired goals for success.

Our holistic model

Our coaching and consulting business model is designed to help you achieve success in both your personal and professional life, by providing you with the tools, knowledge, and support you need to grow your business while maintaining your faith and overall well being.

What’s included

Proprietary holistic business assessment

Initial Vision & Goal Setting w/ Victoria (2 hrs)

Bi-weekly 1:1 Executive Coaching around the following + more:

  • Define goals

  • Clearly articulate your "why"

  • Clarity of service offering details

  • Communicate key business obstacles/opportunities

Unlimited 30-minute laser coaching for whatever life brings.

Consulting & Strategic Planning w/ Syrena:

  • Initial - 30 minute

  • Month 3 - 1 hour

  • Month 5 - 2 hours

  • Month 7 - 2 hours

  • Month 8 - 2 hours

  • Month 12 - 2 hours

The above sessions will help you:

  • Define operational costs & minimize expenses

  • Locate profit margins

  • Address legal concerns and opportunities

  • Develop a growth plan that includes expansion opportunities, financial goals, and marketing and revenue plans

  • Create a strategic plan forward

  • And more!

Book a discovery call.

This call is all about getting to know each other better, and, in a way, listening to what God might be guiding us toward. Whether you're seeking solutions, exploring opportunities, or simply curious, we're here to listen and share our expertise. Your trust and comfort are our top priorities, and we're excited to have an open, friendly conversation that will help us better understand your needs and how we can assist you in alignment with God's plan. Let's embark on this journey together, taking the first step toward a successful partnership, guided by the Holy Spirit.